Quick Stir Fry

Hello! Long time no talk. My bad once again. College is hard! Who knew?!

Something that isn’t hard is this super quick and easy stir fry! A lot of times I get super lazy at school and don’t really feel like cooking a whole recipe from scratch. That’s why I post less when I’m here because I’m usually eating super boring meals like chicken and veggies :/ But luckily I have a Trader Joe’s near me still, so I’ve scanned all of their frozen meals and finally found something I could whip up into a Bright Line meal!  Unfortunately, if you don’t live near a Trader Joe’s this post may be super irrelevant to you so you may feel free to stop reading now… I’m so sorry!

Anyways here goes nothing:

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I use this bag of pre-made Cauliflour Stir Fry from Trader Joe’s and I just add whatever protein I’m feeling (this week was shrimp for me)! I usually get 2 servings of veggies out of this bag and it usually takes me about 15 minutes to whip up this meal! All I do is season with garlic salt, but I’m sure soy sauce would be great on it too. Another idea I had was to scoop this into lettuce wraps and eat it like that?? If you try this let me know how it goes! 🙂

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I love this meal so much and it helps me when I’m feeling bored with my meals, but I’m too lazy to cook a complicated recipe! I hope y’all enjoy this too!

P.S. please excuse this horribly lit photo from my kitchen. I swear this tastes so much better than it looks!


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